my mama nest, hypnobirthing courses Northern Ireland.

Get accessible and personalised antenatal education, in-person or from the comfort of your home.

Hypnobirthing Teacher Northern Ireland

Welcome to my mama nest. If you are here, then chances are you are expecting a baby. Congratulations!

It wasn’t long ago I was in your shoes, feeling anxious at the thought of giving birth. I understand that you may think, ‘there is no point in planning as birth can be very unpredictable’ and ‘a healthy baby is all that matters’ BUT I am here to help you to do more than merely go through the motions! I can help you to feel confident, in control and calm as you go on your journey through pregnancy, birth and beyond.

At my mama nest I am here to give you all the information you may be looking for to help you feel supported, safe and validated about the choices you make for your birth!

“The goal is not a pain free birth but a fear free birth”

In-person and online options

In-person courses are conveniently located in Donaghadee, Northern Ireland. Come and enjoy a course then go for lunch in one of the amazing restaurants or go for a walk along the coast and debrief with your birth partner.

Can’t make it here?

No worries – I’ve got you covered with online options catering for the UK and internationally.


  • 1:1

  • Group

  • Workshop

  • Relaxation

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Birth Stories

“Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making mothers - strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength”

— Barbara Katz Rothman

Get started with my mama nest, today.